Gardening at Elevation 6,360 ft.

sixtythreesixty is a place where ideas are shared. Ideas that we have experimented with and implemented over the years to grow vegetables in different climates across the US. Learn more about that in the About page. The sections briefly described below give you some idea of how the site is organized and what we have been up to. There is also a Garden Sounds player in the lower right of each page that you can activate for a relaxing navigating experience. Enjoy your stay and return again to see whats new. Thanks for visiting!

Garden Blogs

This is where we discuss what we have learned and experienced through our years of gardening. The Blogs are sorted into three categories. Create is about building a garden. Grow is about making food and Harvest is about picking, prepping and storage.


This section is a compilation of recipes. Gardening in and of itself can be very rewarding but the fresh food is the heart of the reason for the effort. And fresh food from the garden, incorporated into delicious dishes, is the final treat!


This section is a bit of a hodgepodge of things related to exploring and learning. With photos, links, and commentary, we provide places where we have found solutions to issues we experienced. Along with some other stuff!

Recent Posts

Organize Those Seeds!

Spring is in the air and officially here! (We still have ample snow on the ground on the front range but at least the calendar says it’s spring!) Gardeners are looking forward to another promising Read more…

2020 – A Look Back

The first year for this site is now in the past. Before starting a new gardening year and moving forward with 2021, let’s take a look back at 2020. This website started last year, in Read more…